Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nicki Minaj Covers Black Book Magazine

YM rapper Nicki Minaj covers the March 2011 issue of Black Book magazine with one of her famous facial expressions that gets under my damn skin,lol.Nicki talks about her struggle and journey  into the rap music business and how she feels about being famous.More Nicki after the jump...

Nicki Minaj on her life while trying to make it:

"That whole time was so horrible,she says.It was like fucking torture. At the end of the day, after working at whatever job I hated, I would get all dressed up and go out with the hope of getting a record deal. At night, I was an artist, but during the day I was a slave. When I think back on that time, on the people who made my life a living hell, I want to say, Are you all seeing me now? This is me having the last laugh after all those years when you made it hard for me to get out of bed in the morning".

 Photos: Black Book Magazine

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