Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chris Brown Needs Some Attention As Usual

As usual,Chris Pound Brown can't stand to see Rihanna shine,so he goes and drop this whiny,singing through his nose BS! Everytime Rihanna does something,he does something.Her album has four letters,his album has four letters.I mean,yall think that I just clown this dude for nothing,but I see things that you all don't see.He is such a narcissist who carries the traits of a psychopath,like his superficial charm,conning and manipulative behavior,shallow emotional response,lack of remorse and guilt,impulsivity,and I can go on for a while with what I see in CB's character.At the end of the day,the dmv and anger management classes he took was a waste because this dude haven't changed a bit in my eyes,he's gotten worse.If you want to see the whiny azz video he made,then pop the lock and watch... 

F.A.M.E. Snippet..."Up To You" from Mechanical Dummy on Vimeo.

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