Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Selena Gomez Meets Her Crush Shia LaBeouf

A very shy and flustered Selena Gomez got a chance to meet her crush for the first time,Mr. Transformer Shia LaBeouf.Selena's handlers tricked her into thinking that her fans wanted to meet with her,and once inside Gomez quickly ran out and LaBeouf followed behind her saying, Hey,nice to meet you,hey, how are you doing?Selena then started blushing after Labeouf hugged her saying,"I'm so sorry to bother you".Shia then said,"Thanks for being so sweet to me"."Your really sweet to me".Selena goes on to say,"Thank You,I admire you." After the two took a few photos together,Selena ran off  giggling but excited,saying "O my gosh,he's so handsome." Wow! She definitely had a starstruck moment,but it was cute! Watch out Bieber because Shia loves to flirt with other men's women.Pop the cork for the cute video..

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