Thursday, December 30, 2010

Chris The Fist Issues Apology For Homophobic Rant

After everyone and their momma witnessed Chris Brown's Twitter rant with homophobic slurs,his pr team issues an apology.We all know from the way he writes on twitter that he can't even form a full sentence,so this apology is as lame as the person who really wrote it!

"Yesterday was an unfortunate lack in judgment sparked by public Twitter attacks from Raz B, who was bent on getting attention.  Words cannot begin to express how sorry and frustrated I am over what transpired publicly on Twitter.  "I have learned over the past few years to not condone or represent acts of violence against anyone.  Molestation and victims of such acts are not to be taken lightly; and for my comments I apologize -- from the bottom of my heart."

 -Chris Brown  
A day late and a dollar short!

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