Friday, December 30, 2011

Music is My Soul's Top 16 Best TV Shows of 2011

1. Friday Night Lights (NBC)

I started the watching the show in 2010 when critics said the show fell off; I couldn't tell. Maybe the show was stronger in its early years, but the realism of FNL makes you feel like you are watching a documentary, not a well written program on NBC.

2. Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO)

Like with FNL, I came during last season's "Seinfeld" year; I glad I tuned in. Who knows if this is the last season of Larry David's show, but the combo of a single Larry and the move to New York, gave the show a new energy that I would like to see continue.

3. The Walking Dead (AMC)

Otis!!!!!!! That came changing episode, along with the final scene of their truncated second season, makes the Walking Dead must see TV, (the show returns February 12, 2012).
4. How To Make it in America (HBO)

HBO canceled it and I'm not sure why. The "Entourage" type expectations of the show was too big for a show, which is good on its on "Crisp." Is there a Jeremy Piven on the show? No. But the ensemble cast is good enough to have you coming back for more. Speaking of more, "Hey HBO, develop a show around Gina Gershon!"

5. Game of Thrones (HBO)

Peter Dinklage rules adn they also killed off their lead character! Even Boardwalk Empire's Nucky Thompson wouldn't have done that! The Tudors might be gone from Showtime, but HBO has found a worthy successor for the throne.

5. Luther (BBC America)
I hate that this show is only a mini series, the only downside of this season was that there wasn't enough  playtime between Luther (Idris Elba) and Alice (Ruth Wilson).  This show is "Kojak" for a new century and Idris Elba should be given a chance to delve more into this character on longer running version on Showtime or AMC.

6. Beavis and Butthead (MTV)

Prior to this year, Mike Judge didn't create a Beavis and Butthead cartoon since the 1990's; I couldn't tell.  Since I am older and much mature, I figured these two warped characters would only make me WRONG! The show is still laugh out loud funny.  Although Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane and South Park's Trey Parker and Matt Stone receives more pub these days, Mike Judge is the Godfather of both of well as Bart Simpson. 

7. Justified (FX)

One of misnomers of the drug trade is that its only a city thing, Justified shows that crime is just as twisted and dangerous in the sticks than they are in the hood.

8.  True Blood (HBO)

An aamnesiac vampire name Eric and witch named Marnie shook things up this year. Although True Blood isn't the water cooler show it once was, it is still must see summer viewing.

9.  Breaking Bad (AMC)

Two word: "Giancarlo Esposito." Two more words: "Gus Fring." Two more words "Two-Face"

10. American Horror Story (FX)

Horror, a rubber suit and sex. This sounds like my future honeymoon, but in fact it was part of the AHS landscape this season.  I felt cheated by the ending because Harmon's storyline is over and Jessica Lange's character Constance (who should nominated for an Emmy). We'll see what happens with next year's new chapter of AHS, but thanks to creators Ryan Murphy/Brad Falchuk, I will never look at latex the same way ever again.

11. Community (NBC)

Although 30 Rock receives most of the comedy support from NBC, Community is just as funny and at times funnier than Tina Fey's Emmy winning sitcom. Besides, my college classmate Yvette Brown plays Shirley on the show, their pop culture TV mash-ups are hilarious and Alison Brie is Kryptonite to The Roots' Questlove, (for which I agree).  What's not to like NBC, so put it back on the schedule!

12. Louie (FX)

If Curb Your Enthusiasm is over, Louie is a capable replacement. The fact that he is able to get away with this stuff on FX is amazing!

13. Treme (HBO)

Dear Emmy voters, what is it going to take for you nominate Khandi Alexander?!?

14. Revenge (ABC)

1980's  Dynasty + 1990's Melrose Place +  iPads = Revenge

15. Dan Le Batard  is Highly Questionable (ESPN)

What started out as a highly edit sports show is now a tale of two programs. one with Dan's funny relationship with his dad "Papi" (who is also is co-host) and most importantly and Le Batard's stellar interview segments which puts most sports and news programs to shame.

16. Jersey Shore  (MTV)

I wish I could blame blame being bit by a vamp or a zombie made me watch this show, but once you sit through marathon with Snookie and The Situation, it's about the same.

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